Membership types

Quarter Horse member 
Full voting rights, eligible for election to Council, eligible to show horses, progeny record and register horses, lodge breeding certificates, all points recorded. May be individuals, legal partnerships, syndicates, businesses etc. Newsletter included. Please note the following: This membership allows for one voting/riding member and that member must be the nominated representative shown in category 2 on the membership application.

Family membership
For two or less adults and their children of 18 years and under. Eligible for show horses and have points to be recorded for each individual in family. Eligible to progeny record and register horses. Not eligible to lodge breeding certificates. Must nominate one person who is to exercise voting rights. Newsletter Included. Please note the following: Once a youth is over 18 years of age they will no longer be eligible for Family Membership. 

Youth membership
Points recorded for two horses. 

Amateur membership
Full voting rights, eligible for election to Council, eligible to register horses, all points recorded, includes website login access (a signed Amateur Application form must accompany this membership. 

Associate membership
Entitles one individual person, corporations, partnerships or associations, societies and the like and is designed for those that may no longer wish to register horses with the Association but who may still wish to have connections with the industry. 

NOTE: All memberships are due on 1st August each year. For NEW MEMBERS who join for the FIRST TIME after 1st February you need only pay ONE HALF the full year's subscription, likewise the newsletter subscription.

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