Classifieds & Stallions at Stud

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Stallions at Stud


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Contact Details

Stallions at Stud

QXH Stylish Jazz

(Imp Aust)

(Dual Jazz x Lady Stylish)

Contact: Argent Farm Quarter Horse Stud
Adrienne & Robert Hodgson

0274 526 197
(New Zealand)

Ima Whizin Wimpy

Topsail Wimpy x Ima Dream Too

EmailContact: Angel Marsh
022 043 4696
(New Zealand)

Shining N Stylish

(Playin Stylish x Shine It Zantari)

Contact: Campbell Phillips
021 024 48110
(New Zealand)

Topsail Wimpy

(Imp USA)
frozen semen only

(Wimpys Little Step x Sheza Bonita Whiz)

Topsail Wimpy on Facebook
Contact: Jozette Hazeldine

027 285 6331
(New Zealand)

Melody Jay

(Imp Aust)

(Whizzel A Melody x Denny N Jay)

Contact: Catherine Ladd

06 762 7879
(New Zealand)

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